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Dancing for Justice (Dancorcism IRL)

Dancorcism™ is a practice of collective joy and celebration for health, happiness, and well being. High Vibes. Fun Music. Energywork. Your Heartbeat is the Shaman.

Tuesday marks the Autumn Equinox, when we dance over the line from Summer to Fall. To celebrate - and because it's National Voter Registration Day - we will be Dancing for Justice, raising money for the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition. When Florida passed Amendment 4 in 2018,  it restored the vote to 1.4 million Floridians with past felony convictions, however 700,000 returning citizens need help paying their fines & fees by the end of September in order to register to vote. Florida is a crucial state, and these votes could be decisive in the 2020 elections. The fundraising deadline is this Thursday, September 24. Please donate here through my fundraising page and share the link to friends and family.

Suggested donation $25

Wear sneakers, bring water, wear a mask, & arrive 10-15 minutes early to get settled in, find everyone etc.

COVID-19 is still a risk and by participating in this class you acknowledge this risk and release me (Debbie Attias) from any liability related to COVID-19 or otherwise. Invite your friends (but also let them know this).

check ig stories for weather or cancellation updates.

June 23

*VIRTUAL* Breathwork with Debbie : Living in Love

October 15

Virtual Breathwork: We are all connected